How to shop for a wig (if you choose to wear one) – 8 tips. One of the biggest worries surrounding chemotherapy is hair loss. While we hear all the time things like, it’s only hair or, it’ll grow back, losing your hair is a big deal for many women. A really big deal. If …
Today is day six of the celebrating the ordinary challenge posed by Marie of Journeying Beyond Breast Cancer. I’ve been pleasantly surprised at how enjoyable this exercise has been for me. I’ve enjoyed both aspects, the writing part and the reading what others write part. While I’m still way behind most contributors, I’ve managed to …
I enjoyed writing my earlier post about the towering white pine trees in my own backyard so much I decided to give this challenge thing another go around. Quite a few other bloggers have been participating by writing daily, but for me this is day two even though it’s really day five. Oh well…
I’m excited about tuning into the Republican and Democratic National Conventions. I always watch them both. I enjoy the speeches, the cheering, the energy, the excitement and the sense of renewed hope for positive change to possibly benefit all Americans. I’m sounding a bit too optimistic you might be saying, and this is probably true.
I’m a bit of a loner. Sure I follow the crowd sometimes, but generally speaking I go my own way more often than not. When someone poses a challenge, sometimes I jump in and sometimes I don’t. This time I am jumping in, at least part way.