Another summer is winding down. Temps are cooling off, and daylight hours are noticeably shorter. My dad always keeps track of (and shares) the exact number of minutes lost. But since I love fall, I don’t happen to mind the cooler temps and shorter days. Update: Sadly, my dad died in July 2016. Why do …
It’s time to announce the winner of my giveaway! The lucky winner of a free copy of the Medical Day Planner: The Guide to Help Navigate the Medical Maze is –
How it can be time for another giveaway you might be asking. Didn’t I just have one? Yes I did and thank you readers for that great response! So now I’m breaking my own rule. What rule? Well, in the past I’ve always limited myself to offering one giveaway a month at the most and …
Are you suffering from “Komen fatigue?” If so, you probably aren’t alone. I wasn’t going to even write this post because frankly, I’m feeling a bit “Komen fatigued” myself. Still, the most recent developments at Susan G. Komen for the Cure® were pretty interesting… Last week (on August 8, 2012) it was announced that Nancy …
Recently the breast cancer blogosphere was a-buzz about a controversial decision made by The Gathering Place to take down the art exhibit of Angelo Merendino. This post is not about that aspect of the story. It’s not about the “taking down.” No, I’m exploring the power of the photos themselves.