One thing that can definitely be said about people living in the Midwest is that we love our four distinct seasons here. Oh sure, weather often spills over into a season where it doesn’t belong. We get snowstorms in spring and heat waves in fall. But overall, seasons in the Midwest know their place. And …
One of the great things about blogging is reading what other bloggers write. It’s how ideas and opinions are exchanged. It’s how connections and friendships begin. It’s how conversations get going and sometimes snowball into bigger discussions across the blogosphere and beyond.
Are you familiar with TED talks? In case you’ve never heard of them, TED talks are video recordings of presentations one can tune into on the internet to hear someone discuss (supposedly in a fresh or entertaining way) just about anything you can think of. I rarely watch them. Frankly, I don’t have the attention span …
June is the wedding month and rightly so. June has much to offer (around here anyway) with its mild temps, cool breezes, fresh blooming flowers and promise of relaxed summer months to come. On a side note, for my own wedding Dear Hubby and I chose December, the exact opposite month from June. I wonder …
Before announcing the lucky winner of my book giveaway, I’d like to thank everyone who participated! I’d also like to thank my friend Lori Hope for writing such a helpful and insightful book. I hope you all get a chance to read it at some point. And now, the lucky winner of help me live …