Did you know May is Mental Health Month? If you didn’t, you’re not alone. I didn’t know until my friend Marie, from Journeying Beyond Breast Cancer, pointed it out to me by asking me to join her (and the many others) in writing a blog post on this topic to share today on Mental Health …
Another Mother’s Day has come and gone. Mother’s Day 2012 marked a significant milestone for me. I’ve now experienced five Mother’s Days without a mother. Five. This feels pretty major. Mother’s Day 2012 also marked another very different kind of milestone. In my neck of the woods, Mother’s Day marks the annual Susan G. Komen Race …
I am a firm believer in the necessity of being one’s own staunchest advocate. This is true for all areas of your life, but it’s vital if you want to receive the best medical care. This is not to say you shouldn’t have trust and faith in your team of medical care providers, but you …
Thank you for reading part one. If you shared about your diagnosis day, thank you. Below, I’m sharing part two about the day I first heard the words, you have cancer, and about my first meeting with oncologist #1. Note: This post is a slightly edited excerpt from my memoir, Cancer Was Not a Gift & …
The following is an excerpt from my memoir – Cancer Was Not a Gift & It Didn’t Make Me a Better Person: A memoir about cancer as I know it.