My first post of the New Year is a bit of a ramble. (What else is new, right?) Are you sick of reading about New Year’s resolutions and goal setting yet? I am. Blah. Blah. Blah. Been there. Done that. Of course, if you love that sort of thing, more power to you. Really, I …
Do you want to tell your story by writing your memoir? If you do, but you’re also feeling overwhelmed, I hope my 13 tips for self-publishing your memoir help you get started. You can do this! It’s been a few years since I self-published my memoir, Cancer Was Not a Gift & It Didn’t Make …
For some, there will be tears at Christmas, and this is okay. The holiday season doesn’t feel festive for everyone. For some, it’s a rough time of year. If you’re feeling sad or even dreading the holidays, this post is for you. Some might say, there she goes again writing about loss, grief and tears …
Old dogs are the best dogs. I wonder if I feel this way because I am getting old older myself. Don’t get me wrong, I love all dogs, but an older dog is an extra special dog and old dogs are the best. I don’t know yet if old cats are the best cats. Ninja …
Did you read the recent headlines about the newly released study concluding that even after women (in the study) completed five years of hormone therapy, their recurrence risk continued for twenty years and likely beyond? The implication is that women diagnosed with early stage, hormone-positive breast cancer and who are taking hormone-blocking drugs, should strongly …