When your advocacy efforts revolve around breast cancer, hurt happens. When your advocacy efforts often focus specifically on metastatic breast cancer, hurt is inevitable. Not only is it inevitable, hurt happens again and again and again. The reason is obvious, or should be by now. Too many keep dying from metastatic breast cancer. Too many. …
Breast cancer treatment’s collateral damage — let’s talk about it. Yes, let’s. This post has been sitting in my draft folder for a while. Sometimes, I hesitate to write about breast cancer treatment’s collateral damage (aka cancer crap fallout) that goes on and on and on following a cancer diagnosis. Notice I say, following a …
I love it when readers email me about articles and/or other stuff they find intriguing, troubling, disgusting, informative, inspiring or whatever the case might be. It’s like having my own team of breast cancer internet sleuths out there. You, my dear readers, are so smart and when you see or smell BS, you aren’t afraid …
Please do not remove your bra for me on No Bra Day or on any other day, for that matter. I can’t believe I didn’t write this post a few years ago when I first learned about No Bra Day. Maybe I felt if I ignored it, it would go away. Even now, I hesitated …
Here we go again. Another October. Another Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Another 31 days to muddle through all the pink and pink ribbon shenanigans. And no, silence is not an option. (Don’t you just love the above quote? Never fails to help motivate me.) Are you up for it? If not, it’s completely understandable. I …