Another October has ended. The crescendo of pink has lessened for the time being anyway. Some people are happy about Pinktober coming to a close and you could almost hear the collective sigh of relief as the end couldn’t come soon enough for them. Some are probably counting the extra dollars their pink displays did …
Some posts are a lot of work to put together and some are just plain fun to write. This one was just plain fun. A bit of fun is always a good thing, perhaps especially in October, a month many in breast cancer land dread. I’m not one of them. I still love October.
Yes, Nancy’s Point is two years old! I pushed that publish button for the first time two years ago while I was smack dab in the middle of chemotherapy. My how time does fly! Now when I think about it, that was sort of a risky time to put personal thoughts out there.
Today is day six of the celebrating the ordinary challenge posed by Marie of Journeying Beyond Breast Cancer. I’ve been pleasantly surprised at how enjoyable this exercise has been for me. I’ve enjoyed both aspects, the writing part and the reading what others write part. While I’m still way behind most contributors, I’ve managed to …
I enjoyed writing my earlier post about the towering white pine trees in my own backyard so much I decided to give this challenge thing another go around. Quite a few other bloggers have been participating by writing daily, but for me this is day two even though it’s really day five. Oh well…