I’ve wanted to see the movie Pink Ribbons, Inc. since its release in theaters earlier this year. I was even contemplating driving the 100 miles or so back to the Twin Cities to see it as it didn’t make it into theaters close to me. But of course, I waited too long. About a month or …
Where’s the feminism in the breast cancer awareness? I keep wondering about this question and so does Lisa Valentine, the author of today’s guest post. Are you wondering too? Please read Lisa’s well-articulated thoughts about feminism, breast cancer and more. Lisa’s words will get you thinking. You’ll find her bio at the end of this post.
I want to begin this post by saying I do support the work of the American Cancer Society. I really do. I’ve donated to them for years. I had direct contact with them during my breast cancer treatment. I’m grateful for the wonderful work they do day in and day out. The intent of this …
October 13th is National Metastatic Breast Cancer Awareness Day. I’m passionate about raising awareness about metastatic breast cancer. For me it’s very personal. I lost my mother to metastatic breast cancer in 2008. I lost my friend Rachel earlier this year. I’ve lost others I care about as well. Sadly, I’m not alone. Many of …
Some posts are a lot of work to put together and some are just plain fun to write. This one was just plain fun. A bit of fun is always a good thing, perhaps especially in October, a month many in breast cancer land dread. I’m not one of them. I still love October.