Recently, when looking at family photos from Christmases prior to my diagnosis, I found myself searching for some kind of clue in those photos that said, you have, or will soon have, cancer. Of course, there were none. I looked the same, sitting there posed in front of the tree smiling away, totally unaware about …
Cancer is not a gift. No, it is not. Some cancer survivors believe and proudly proclaim that their cancer was a gift. Without a doubt, this is entirely their prerogative. Everyone certainly has the right to his/her own cancer experience viewpoints. I am not judging anyone here.
This past October I completed my breast reconstruction. Things are now finished on that front (pun intended). Overall, things turned out alright. Am I thrilled with the results? Hmm… no, not thrilled. Implants are still stand ins for the real deal. Am I satisfied? For now, yes. I could choose to have a few further minor adjustments made, …
Once you’ve heard the dreaded words, you have cancer, you can’t go back. December 2nd marks the one year anniversary of my tissue expander-implant exchange surgery. This means it’s also been exactly eighteen months to the day since my bilateral mastectomy. Which in turn, means it’s been a little more than eighteen months since I …
A week or so ago marked another cancer-related anniversary for me. It’s been one year since I shaved my hair off, or I should say since hubby shaved it off for me and yes, as I mentioned in a previous post, we used the same trimmer we use on our springer. I had been a “hair …