Recently, I stumbled upon a blog post with this title, “Breast Reconstruction Makes Breast Cancer Patients Whole Again After Mastectomy.” What? This particular choice of words immediately made me bristle. In fact, I found them down right irritating. Why? It’s the definitive nature of the statement that annoys, no offends me. Breast reconstruction makes breast …
When I heard the news recently that Betty Ford had passed away, the first thought that came into my mind was, I wonder if she passed away from breast cancer. Recurrence is never far from my mind; recurrence for me or anyone else for that matter, even Betty Ford. After learning she did not, and …
The recent controversy leading up to and resulting from the FDA’s Oncologic Drugs Advisory Committee’s decision to withdraw its approval of Roche/Genentech’s drug Avastin for the treatment of some advanced breast cancers, seems to me, to be a perfect example of what sometimes happens when science and emotion collide. And as so often is the case in …
A lot has changed at the clinic I go to since my cancer gig began a little over a year ago. At that time the cancer area was located on the fifth floor along with general surgery, plastic surgery and urology. Generally whenever I arrived for an appointment, there was a lengthy line and a …
Summer conjures up many childhood memories for me, as I’m sure it does for you, too. Every year when school was let out and summer months stretched ahead, brimming with possibility, free time, relaxed expectations, family vacations and just hanging out, it felt like time slowed down for those three months. But in reality, those …