Recently friend and fellow blogger Marie, from Journeying Beyond Breast Cancer, suggested to fellow bloggers that it might be fun to briefly step away from cancer and blog about “stuff from our other life.” Marie is from Ireland and one of the people I have come to “know” during the past months. As a friend …
This past Sunday I traveled back to Minnesota to visit my dad. When I visit him now, it feels like his house. It took me a while to get to this point, the point where visiting him isn’t mostly incredibly sad because my mom is no longer there to visit too. For quite a while …
Let’s talk about one of those labels often thrown around post-cancer treatment when you are turned loose and expected to get back out there — also known as figuring out life under the ‘new normal’ umbrella. Or, simply finding your new normal, whatever that means. Following treatment (if you’re “lucky” enough to have a treatment …
What’s wrong with a survivor label anyway? I don’t like labels. I avoid them whenever I can. The survivor label is one that makes me uncomfortable for various reasons. I asked my oncologist once, “When am I technically a survivor? Upon diagnosis? After my tumor is removed? After my bilateral? After finishing chemo? After two …
Lymphedema is another reason for self-advocacy alright. As a follow up to the previous great guest post by Jan, I decided to share a little about my limited knowledge and experience with lymphedema. This is an important topic that is not given nearly enough attention. I read somewhere that every woman (and man) who has had breast …