How many times have you been at the mall and been approached (perhaps almost begged) to take part in a survey? How many times have you said said yes, or no, or just kept right on walking pretending not to even notice the poor person standing there with clipboard in hand? How many times have you …
Some blog posts I struggle to write. This was one of those. When I finished writing it, I also hesitated to push the publish button. Sometimes speaking out about someone, or in this case an organization, is hard. Sometimes not speaking out is even harder. This is one of those times when it was harder …
Here in Wisconsin spring arrives slowly. Early spring teases us into believing winter is over, but we all know it’s really not for another month or so and even then it can still snow. It seems winter hangs on as long as possible. A warm day in the 50’s will be followed by one plunging …
Spring is here, and I’m not quite sure how I feel about it. On the one hand, I’m certainly tired of cold temps and the color white, but on the other hand, I have all these upcoming dates, anniversaries and reminders marking my “cancer beginnings.” I’m not entirely certain how I will feel when each …
12 tips to journal your way through cancer, or anything. I love to write. I guess most bloggers do. Written words have always been better friends to me than spoken ones, at least as far as my own are concerned. If I were asked to speak in front of others, I would cringe and slink …