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Last November I was contacted by a journalism student attending Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia. She was working on a paper about BRCA gene mutation testing, the monopolies held by two genetic testing companies and the recent controversial rulings on patents. She also wanted to include some thoughts and insights from a person directly influenced …

Read More about Monopolies, Rulings and Controversies on BRCA1 and BRCA2 Patents

This past week I learned something about my new identity as a breast cancer survivor/blogger that I was not entirely prepared for. I found out how much I genuinely care about the new friendships I have formulated over the past few months with other survivors/bloggers. As I mentioned in an earlier post, A Thank You, one of the very …

Read More about An Unexpected Self-Discovery

Another new year has arrived. I say, ” Bring it on; this year has to be better than the last.” Why do we greet each new year with such anticipation and optimism for better things for ourselves, and even for a better world? Is is just wishful thinking this year will somehow be different? We say out loud or more …

Read More about New Year, “New Normal??”