September 10 will mark the second live Stand Up 2 Cancer fundraising event on television with all of the major networks and many cable ones as well participating. It is set to air at 7:00 pm central time. This event was launched in 2008 and successfully raised $100 million dollars. Laura Ziskin, one of the …
You have cancer. If you ask any woman on the street what disease she fears most, she will likely say breast cancer not heart disease, diabetes or something else. Wrongly or rightly, breast cancer is probably the disease that conjures up the most fear in a woman and creates feelings of anxiety over body image alterations, illness and …
Welcome to my first blog post! Publishing it was pretty scary. But I did it. I decided to share about my breast cancer experience via a blog. As a writer, I am compelled to write about it. I tell myself every day it’s the reason I got breast cancer – so my writing about it …