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Please Stop Calling Cancer a Gift!

Please Stop Calling Cancer a Gift!

Can we please STOP calling cancer a gift? 

Some topics in Cancer Land are hot button topics for me. Hearing cancer referred to as a gift (or a blessing) is one of them. I have written about this before here and here.

As time goes by, I find myself even more entrenched in my convictions on this one; in fact, I think this just might be my number one cancer language pet peeve.

So, if you don’t want to read yet another rant of mine on this subject; well, I understand.

Once in a while, someone will say to me something like, just let it go. Why does it matter? Don’t pick on someone else for calling her cancer a gift.

Let’s be clear, I am not picking on anyone else. I respect everyone’s views and rights to ‘do’ cancer in their own way. If someone wishes to call her cancer a gift, that is most definitely her prerogative. But this is my blog, and I am free to express my views here as frankly as I choose. (And as always,  you are welcome to agree or disagree any time).

Calling cancer a gift feels like a slap in the face to those of us who feel differently, but more importantly it feels like a direct insult, yes insult, to those who die from metastatic disease.

How could cancer be a gift for anyone if some people die from it?

Most people who call cancer a gift presumably mean their cancer was a wake-up call. They made changes like improving their diet and exercise habits, stopped sweating the small stuff, changed career paths or partners, or whatever it might be. They maintain that these things would not have happened had it not been for cancer.

Cancer can be a catalyst. I will admit to that. This still does make it a gift. There likely would have been different catalysts coming along instigating change because that’s what life is all about, change and one thing leading to another.

Everyone’s life is an ongoing ‘domino effect’ of sorts.

As for me, I did not need a cancer wake-up call. I was doing just fine in my pre-cancer life, thank you very much. I was working on improving my life style habits before cancer, and I am still working on them now. I didn’t need cancer to teach me to appreciate my family or life in general. I didn’t need it to teach me to stop and smell the roses either. No, I did not.

And as much as I love the wonderful people I’ve met since my cancer diagnosis, if I could trade such friendships for a life with no cancer in it, I’d do it in a heartbeat.

Is that a horrible thing to say?

Maybe. Maybe not.

Last month during all the gratitude talk, I took notice of one graphic in particular that was shared probably thousands of times on Facebook. It said, I am not thankful for cancer, but I am thankful for what cancer has taught me.

This doesn’t work for me either. (If it does for you, again, that’s fine).

I am most definitely not thankful for cancer, and I am not particularly thankful for what it has taught me either.

Much of what cancer has taught me is stuff I would much rather not have known about. Ever.

Sure, I have learned some ‘good’ things about myself and others since my diagnosis. We learn from good experiences and bad experiences too. But I am not grateful I had to learn them.

No matter how we twist, shape and re-shape a cancer experience, it’s still cancer and it still sucks.

Sometimes, things are just bad and sure we cope, we deal, we manage, we maybe even grow as a person; but this still does not mean the bad experience itself was a gift.

Cancer has brought heartache, upheaval, fear, worry, emotional and physical pain, and yes, death into my family and into too many of my friends’ families as well.

So how could cancer ever possibly be a gift?

Cancer did not make be brave, or tough, or strong. I just more or less did what I was instructed to do. That actually sounds more ‘weak-like’ than strong or brave when you think about it.

Cancer is a horrible and too often deadly disease.

How could such a thing be a gift?

Cancer steals in oh-so many ways.

I have given up a load of my female body parts and been forced to adapt to an unplanned-for body which sometimes doesn’t even feel like mine anymore, and I am still dealing daily with lingering side effects from cancer treatment. And then there are the emotional scars…

How could such a thing be a gift?

I wonder if most people who call cancer a gift are not brca+ or dealing with hereditary cancer issues… But wait, no, remember Melissa Etheridge’s comments?

I don’t like having to worry about my siblings, my kids (or anyone’s kids), or my nieces and nephews carrying this blankety-blank gene mutation. Cancer’s shadow hovers in families like mine. The threat is part of our past and part of our futures.

How could such a thing be a gift?

Maybe the biggest reason of all that calling cancer a gift grates on my nerves so much is because not that many years ago on Christmas Eve my family was sitting down to open actual gifts, and I got the call which basically let me know my mother was dying. Terribly ironic, right?

How could cancer ever be a gift?

If I sound grouchy, angry or even bitter about this topic, well, so be it. Cancer sometimes makes me crotchety.

Life is a gift. People are gifts. You are a gift. Cancer is not.

Let’s stop calling it one. Please. Just stop.

Rant over.

How do you feel about cancer being called a gift or a blessing?

What’s your biggest cancer language pet peeve?


Please Stop Calling Cancer a Gift!

If you like this post, you might want to read my memoir, Cancer Was Not a Gift & It Didn’t Make Me a Better Person. No sugarcoating. Guaranteed. 

Cancer Was Not a Gift & It Didn't Make Me a Better Person:  A memoir about cancer as I know it No sugarcoating. Guaranteed.

P.S. Note from Nancy: For more real talk about cancer, survivorship, grief, pet loss, aging, life as an introvert, and more, read my newest book, EMERGING: Stories from the Other Side of a Cancer Diagnosis, Loss, and a Pandemic. Order your copy today!

How do you even start to emerge from a cancer diagnosis, loss, the pandemic, or any trauma? #cancer #grief #petloss #pandemic #trauma #womenshealth #familyrelationships

NOTE: My new articles are now on Substack. Subscribe below to get them delivered straight to your inbox!

Keith Hardeman

Tuesday 20th of August 2024

My wife has been in remission for about five years after a terrible and protracted fight with breast cancer. Her many side effects – including neuropathy and lymphedema – are permanent scars and reminders of the hell she endured. And we both struggle with twice-yearly bouts of “scanxiety” as each MRI and mammogram approach. Is cancer a gift? Oh HELL no!

Well-meaning people said some of the silliest, most unhelpful things to us. Even today. But we try to forgive them, for they know not the dismissive implications of their statements.

When someone hears the news of a friend’s cancer diagnosis, it’s tough for them to cope too. Many will struggle with the notion of “What do I say?”

As an initial reaction, some acquaintances may lean on rather trivializing clichés. They say things like “everything happens for a reason.” And not to worry because they “just know it’s all going to be OK in the end.”

We still worry.

Others hyped the philosophical idea that my wife’s cancer would build strength and character and make us better people in the end.

It didn’t.

Still others try to frame it as some sort of religious experience or divine plan.

Unless they’re referring to hell on earth, it’s not.

And we received the "You may someday see it as a gift" analogy too. That was the worst, imo.

We never did.

Cancer’s only reason for existence is to murder its host.

It taught us about everlasting terror, endless pain, and debilitating exhaustion, and that’s about it. Friends’ artificial rationalization offers no true life lesson within the suffering. Our positivity-pushing acquaintances mean well, but they truly don’t get it. At all. At least not yet.

Ultimately, we did learn what unbelievably strong people we are, but don’t ever tell us that it was cancer that made us that way. It didn’t. We were just always that resilient. And we also learned what a great circle of friends we have.

Make no mistake, my wife and I still get frustrated at how clueless and invalidating those comments sound. We do our best not to show it. We try instead to “hear” what they probably mean: that they hurt for us, and that they’re standing by, ready to do anything to help.

They care deeply about our well-being. And that in itself can never be wrong.

But because of all of this, I wrote a book about the cancer experience called “Don’t say 'Everything happens for a reason’”. The writing and research effort was extremely therapeutic.

Keith Hardeman

Thursday 22nd of August 2024

@Nancy Stordahl, much appreciation and respect back at you.

Nancy Stordahl

Wednesday 21st of August 2024

@Keith Hardeman, I approved your comment with the link and just ordered your book. I look forward to reading it. Thank you for mentioning me in it. That's very generous.

Just so you're aware, my new writings are now on Substack. Thank you so much for reading my blog and books. I appreciate you.

Keith Hardeman

Tuesday 20th of August 2024

@Nancy Stordahl, I purchased and read "Cancer was not a gift & it didn't make me a better person" a couple of years ago. I loved it and your take on cancer, which pretty much mirrors mine. In fact, I cited you a few times in "Don't say 'Everything happens for a reason'".

No, I don't think we should stay quiet, either. In fact, I recently had a short article published in "Coping with Cancer" magazine about how I handled someone who was insistent on dispersing toxic positivity in the face of our cancer storm. Here is the URL if you're interested:

I will definitely get EMERGED. I look forward to reading it! And thank you so much for your blog. Your candor helped my wife and me get through a lot of difficult times.

Nancy Stordahl

Tuesday 20th of August 2024

@Keith Hardeman, I whole-heartedly agree with you and your wife's perspective. As I've said many times, cancer is a horrible disease, not an enlightenment program.

I realize people do struggle with what to say and what not to say. So, yes, we have to cut people some slack. This doesn't mean we need to stay quiet, though, if someone says something hurtful.

Congrats on your book! I'll need to investigate it. You and/or wife might be interested in reading my memoir and my latest, EMERGING.

Thank you for reading and commenting. Good luck with your book!


Wednesday 6th of December 2023

Cancer is NEVER A GIFT. When I was first diagnosed and had gone through surgery, chemo and radiation, someone asked me what type of cancer I had. I replied breast cancer. She replied “Oh, that’s the easy one to get rid off”. I just walked away. My body was so devastated and recovering from what I had gone through. How could anyone think it had been easy or how it so affected my life. I will never consider cancer a gift except to point out the fools that trivialize breast cancer!

Donna Funkhouser

Wednesday 9th of December 2020

Nancy, not only has cancer not made me a better person, I think I may have gone the other way. I definitely swear more and eat more cookies!! As far as it being a gift, well, no thanks. I'm not big on bad surprises. The only somewhat positive thing I can think of is that I feel I can truthfully help others going through this mess and I know what to say and especially what NOT to say to them, as I've had some really outlandish and hurtful things said to me. Other than that, no more eye opening or educating gifts of this sort for me thank you very much.


Thursday 19th of August 2021

@Nancy, I really identify with your posts. I am 5 months post diagnosis and have had a double mastectomy and am in the process of reconstruction. I HATE all the words attached to this diagnosis. It’s like many have said, we didn’t ask for this and would gladly return it if possible. I’ll take my 64 year old saggy ladies back in trade for these “new and improved” ones. What I really hate is that none of the legitimate websites talk about the things we all learned the hard way. It’s not just “if you find a lump” (I had 5 masses, 1 that was larger than 4 inches and still wasn’t felt) and “spider webs” from mass to mass. How about that no one tells you, you will never have sexual/or any other feeling (except pain) in your chest area again, ever. I resent the lack of knowledge that I didn’t know prior to this cra-. We need to be more honest and open about all the other things that are related to breast cancer and surgical removal of this part of our bodies. Maybe then people wouldn’t see this as a gift, especially women. I do agree with many that it may wake one up, a catalyst, to what is important or not important to live your daily life.

Thank you for your posts. I feel that you are expressing my thoughts. Lisa


Thursday 10th of December 2020

Donna, Here, here. My tongue has definitely loosened too, if you know what I mean, and I'm guessing you do. :) I may very well have gone the other way in plenty of other areas too. Oh well. So be it. Whatever "improvements" I have managed to make, I don't intend to give cancer credit. Thank you for reading and taking time to comment too.


Monday 17th of December 2018

Thanks for being so open about this topic. My husband lost his father, mother and only sibling to cancer. Then I was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer and my sister in law with stomach cancer. If this was a gift, I would like to return it. Has this strengthened those of us that remain as a family....yes, but we would gladly go back to the days without cancer.


Wednesday 19th of December 2018

Carol, It's one of my biggest cancer pet peeves. Drives me a little crazy to hear such talk. I'm sorry you and your family are so familiar with cancer. Thank you for sharing.


Thursday 13th of December 2018

I agree Nancy. This was not a gift that I wanted. It was a surprise, yes. But definitely not a gift..


Wednesday 19th of December 2018

Kathleen, A shocker, that's what it was for me. Even with the darn gene mutation. Most definitely no gift. No way. Thank you for commenting.