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Two New Freebies Have Landed in My Resource Library!

Two New Freebies Have Landed in My Resource Library!

This post is short and sweet.

I know. Hard to believe, right?

Well, the short part anyway. 😅

I want to be sure you know about two new additions in my FREE Resource Library.

I added a new eBook to help you get started journaling. Journaling is something that can be so helpful for processing whatever you are dealing with in your life – the good stuff, not-so-good stuff, and everything in-between.

I’ve journaled sporadically my whole life. (I still have some of those old diaries — some still under lock and key — okay, under lock because who knows where the keys are!)

And guess what – sporadic is okay. You don’t have to commit to journaling every day. You can do it whenever and however you like. After all, journaling is not supposed to be a chore that you dread doing.

Having said that, you do have to commit to doing it on some sort of schedule otherwise the habit won’t take.

I journaled like crazy when I was diagnosed with breast cancer over a decade ago. I can’t stress enough how helpful it was as a coping tool. It was literally a lifeline at my fingertips.

Journaling helps bring order to your life — or maybe it’s more that it helps bring some order to your mind. It can help with the processing, which in turn helps with the decision making. And we all know both of those are necessary and pretty much ongoing after any life-altering event, no matter what it is.

Admittedly, I slacked off after finishing up active cancer treatment. I had the blog to focus on. That’s what I told myself anyway. Like I couldn’t spare ten minutes a day. Yeah, right. Oh well.

At the start of the pandemic, I picked it up again because I knew it was a historic time period, and I wanted some way to keep a record to look back on. It just so happens, that’s also the time period I opted to undergo DIEP flap breast reconstruction surgery following an implant rupture.

So, now I have a record of that DIEIP flap surgery experience intertwined with my pandemic one. Yeah, that is a peculiar twinship, for sure, right?

You might want to read, What’s it like six months post DIEP flap surgery.

And now, back to those two items.

The eBook I added is titled: Journaling: tips & prompts to help get you started.

I guess it’s self-explanatory what it’s about.

Download it for FREE via my library.

The other free newbie is: I’ve just added the first 20 pages of my new book, Emerging. This way, you can get a feel for what it’s like before purchasing.

That’s it!

Those are the two new freebies now available in my library.

Check them out, if you’re so inclined, and I hope you are.

TO ENTER MY LIBRARY and get the password emailed to you, Click Here.

You enter the Library via the blue tab at the top of any page. Plug in the password and you’re in!

Full disclosure: Access to my library adds you to my email list. But you are free to unsubscribe at any time. Even immediately after you download any freebie. But I hope you’ll want to stick around!

You might want to read, 12 Tips to Journal Your Way Through Cancer, or Anything.

Thank you for sharing this post!

Do you journal, & if so, do you have a tip?

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