Most breast cancers are not hereditary, but rather are considered sporadic. The latter is not the case in my family. When hereditary cancer impacts YOUR family, it’s a huge deal because suddenly, it’s not just about you. If you’ve been reading Nancy’s Point for a while, you know I generally don’t talk about my family …
Seven years since my cancer diagnosis. Seven years since the day the shit hit the fan. Seven years since I started this blog. Seven years since the family and I sat around brainstorming what the heck to call it. Seven years. It’s even hard for me to believe seven years have passed. But there it …
Your mastectomy and what to expect – if you’re wondering, this post is for you. When you are facing a mastectomy, there are so many unknowns and you have so many questions. Before my bilateral, I was afraid, no I was petrified. Who wouldn’t be, right? How in the world do you prepare for something …
There has been so much heartache of late in the breast cancer community, I almost put the kabosh on this post. After changing my mind again and again, I decided to go ahead with it. Maybe it’ll help in small way. So…two summers ago, I shared fifteen random things about myself in a blog post …
A couple weeks ago when we all heard the news that Senator John McCain had been diagnosed with brain cancer, immediately the cancer battle talk swung into full gear. One of the first things we all heard TV reporters say was something along the lines of, John McCain is a real fighter, so we know …