How are you doing this week? Staying safe and well I hope. April 23th is World Book & Copyright Day. It’s the perfect nudge I needed to get myself to take a break from blogging about the pandemic. Today, let’s talk books! Is reading part of your plan to distract yourself during this staying-at-home time? …
Here we go, my first blog post of 2020 – my first blog post of the new decade! That sounds so strange, doesn’t it? First things first though. I hope you had a lovely holiday. If yours was difficult due to whatever reason, I’m sorry. Others care. I care. It seems like everyone is sharing …
Well, here we go, my last blog post for 2019. Heck, it’s my last blog post for the decade! Thank you for reading Nancy’s Point this past year. Thank you for commenting on and sharing articles when you felt moved to do so. Thank you for offering support not just for me and my writing, …
It’s been four years since I published my memoir, Cancer Was Not a Gift & It Didn’t Make Me a Better Person: A memoir about cancer as I know it. If I were publishing it today, I’d likely add a few things and take some things out too. Such is the nature of writing and …
Hey, fellow bloggers, do you search for strategies that will increase traffic to your blog? (Who doesn’t?) Do you sometimes wonder why that blog post you worked on for hours, maybe even days, hasn’t attracted the number of readers you hoped it would? And hey, blog readers, do you sometimes feel disappointed when an article …