Well, OK it’s not the Oscars but… I am finally announcing the winner of my book giveaway! But first, thank you to everyone who entered my drawing. There couldn’t be one without participants! And thank you to Britta Aragon for writing such a helpful book and delivering her advice with gentleness and compassion. Even if you didn’t …
Are you a newly diagnosed cancer patient or are you caring for someone who is? Are you going through cancer treatment and wondering where to turn for practical tips on coping? Have you finished cancer treatment only to find yourself asking, now what? Do you fear recurrence and wonder what you can do to try …
Two Februarys stand out in my mind as being “cancer Februarys”, and I cannot forget either one. This particular post is a collection of random memories from one of them — my mother’s last February. They are personal memories I hesitated to share, but as my friend Jackie from Dispatch From Second Base once told …
When my daughter and soon to be son-in-law were helping me set up my blog, I asked my daughter, “Do you think my blog’s name — Nancy’s Point, A blog about breast cancer and loss — is too depressing?” “Well, a little bit,” she answered. At the time, I asked myself well, how do you …
I’ve been around now for a fair number of Februarys (never mind exactly how many), but two seem to stand out in my mind and it’s no surprise they are “cancer Februarys.” Of course cancer stomps around all year doing its damage, but some months seem to have a more permanent imprint etched into them, …