A big thank you to all readers who entered my giveaway! Having an opportunity to give away a copy of Pink Ribbon Blues seems like a great way to end Pinktober. If I could, I would give away a copy to each and every one of you that’s how strongly I feel about this book. …
Pink Ribbon Blues by Gayle Sulik, my review. Everywhere you look during October, along with the changing color of leaves, there is pink. And I’m just wondering … Are you feeling blue yet about seeing all that pink? Pink Ribbon Blues: How Breast Cancer Culture Undermines Women’s Health by Gayle A. Sulik, MA, PhD, is …
Two weeks ago Dear Hubby and I attended a football game at our son’s college. My son doesn’t play football. He plays the tuba in the marching band. It was one of those warm, gorgeous blue-sky fall days. Plus it was homecoming, so of course the stadium was packed with spectators. As fate would have it, a …
Has feminism dropped the ball in breast cancer awareness campaigns? “Sexy” sells. Sadly, it is even selling breast cancer awareness. Breast cancer has been trivialized. It has also been sexualized. Both are wrong. You might want to read: It’s Time to Stop Trivializing Breast Cancer. The end does not justify the means.
Did you know October 13th is Metastatic Breast Cancer Awareness Day? Yes, metastatic breast cancer gets its own awareness day designation. It should be getting a whole lot more, but I guess one day is better than no day at all. Friend and fellow blogger, Katherine O’Brien from I Hate Breast Cancer, recently proposed her …