OK, I admit it, the title of this post sounds a bit melodramatic, but then isn’t that what soap operas are were all about, melodrama? And now they’re slowly dying off, one by one, almost reminiscent of the characters in the shows that seemed to do the same thing, die off. Miraculously, some of the …
Since I’m the daughter of two teachers and an educator myself, I tend to think of years in terms of school years. My life has always revolved around the school calendar. It seems it still does. January might mark the true beginning of the New Year, but late August or September is how I really …
I’m probably a little late with this post. September 11th has come and gone once again. Still, we need to keep remembering… Did you watch the media coverage? Were you drawn in? Or did you avoid it altogether? My hubby said, “Why do you want to watch this stuff? I’m not sure I want to. …
I guess this week is “blogging reflection week” for me. Anniversaries, even blogging anniversaries, require reflection don’t they? I hope you’ll bear with me and keep reading. After my last post where I went on more than a bit about how grateful I am for the whole new world that has opened up to me …
It’s been one year since I pushed that publish button and posted my first blog post. Time flies, even when you’re fighting cancer! It seems like this might be a good time to reflect a bit on my blogging experience thus far and share a few of the discoveries I have made along the way. …