When you went back to school as a kid, did your teachers sometimes ask you to write an essay about what you did on your summer vacation?
I imagine such was the case for most of us.
The end of August is when I generally take a break from blogging for a couple weeks. I suppose it’s sorta unnecessary that I write a blog post to tell you, My Dear Readers, this. I mean, you guys would figure this out on your own upon seeing no new posts for a couple weeks, right? (Perhaps this means I’ll be missing you more than you’ll be missing me.)
Anyway, before my mini-blogging break, I thought I’d tell you a little about my summer vacation, minus the vacation part, as I’m taking my vacation now.
I hope you’ll tell me something about your summer, too, in the comments section.
I’m not gonna bore you with too many details. I’ll stick with sharing a few cancer-related highlights of my summer.
Late spring brought with it a breast MRI – an experience in misery.
Expecting a person to lie perfectly still with her arms raised over her head while lying on an uncomfortable contraption (with breasts poking through holes, no less) felt like something out of the Middle Ages, cruel even, and somewhat humiliating, I might add. Add to that the humming, the banging, the two-hours it took, the contrast and a couple other not-to-be mentioned things, yeah, not fun.
I mean really, can’t we come up with better tools?
The aforementioned MRI presented the unexpected revelation of an implant rupture. Why I was surprised by this revelation, I do not know. It’s been over eight years since that particular surgery, so it’s sorta par for the course.
Hence, Dear Hubby and I embarked on a trip to Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN to meet with plastic surgeon #4. (I know, I can’t believe I’ve had that many either. Or any, for that matter.) The fun just never ends. More to come on all that at some point. Maybe.
July included a trip to Texas to visit Son #1 and his wife, so that was a lovely distraction from MRIs, thoughts about reconstruction do-overs and another “minor” cancer scare.
What? (I’m fine.)
Once back home and lest cancer allow me to become too lackadaisical, it was determined following a trip to my dentist and subsequent followup to an oral surgeon that a biopsy was called for. A suspicious lesion had been spotted. On my tongue, no less. WTF!
Suffice it to say, that a biopsy on your tongue is quite unpleasant. And said unpleasantness lingers for quite some time.
Dear Hubby tried to lighten things up with some wise-cracking about my potential muteness. (I think I’ve mentioned before our weird sense of humor is likely some sort of coping mechanism.)
Happily, biopsy turned out okay. Whew!
But the unpleasant experiences mentioned above, dredged up quite a lot and reminded me (again) that once a cancer patient, always a cancer patient.
Other than those in the scheme of things, minor glitches, my summer was pretty darn lovely. I hope yours was too.
On my mini vacation, I plan to view plenty of sunsets. Take walks with Sophie (we’ve had to cut way back on distance for the sweet old girl – Sophie, not me). Weed my much-neglected gardens. Complete miscellaneous projects. Visit Dear Daughter and Dear Son-in-law in beautiful Montana. Write blog posts. Plan blog posts. Read. Take in a movie or two where you actually go to a theater. Think about how we can celebrate nine years of blogging. (I know, can you believe it?) And finalize the direction I want to take my next book. And, of course, work on said book. I would also very much like to do a lot of nothing.
And oh yeah, I’ll need to think more about plastic surgery I never wanted to have.
While I’m on break, browse around some older blog posts, check out my blog hop participants’ posts, sign up for my weekly emails, check out my books and/or leave me a comment about your summer or whatever you want.
Happy end of summer!
Thank you for reading about what I did this summer. Now it’s YOUR turn to share. Not summer in your part of the world? Tell me about your winter then.
See you in September. (Isn’t that a song?)
Tell me something you did, wanted to do or still plan to do this summer with a comment below.
Follow Nancy’s Point on Instagram. I share a hodge-podge of stuff there such as the photo below of the monarch butterfly I recently spotted in my brother’s yard.
If you want to learn more about any of my three books click here or on the image below. Also, I will shamelessly request that if you’ve read either of my two books that are in print, please share your thoughts by reviewing them wherever you purchased. Thank you! Reviews are so important.

Missy Craig
Wednesday 28th of August 2019
So last summer was filled with having double mastectomy, recovering and two major home remodeling projects. Expanders were exchanged for implants on Halloween (kind of funny ...permanent costume?!) Wasn’t able to spend much time at place in Maine due to the surgery and remodeling, so this summer’s plan was to get there as often as I could . Not easy with 92 year old Mom to handle things for, and then had to break up with Plastic Surgeon #1 due to lack of 6 month follow up and over the phone his nurse saying my “issue” was normal for reconstruction and they didn’t need to see it. Huh? So daughter who now works at Mayo in Jacksonville insisted I see their Plastic Surgeons and end of July had my “fixit” surgery with plastic surgeon #2 at Mayo, and am more than pleased. That took a month to be at home between appts and surgery, then back to Maine. Here’s the best part and what I really want to share ...I decided to have the 3D tattooing and my research all went to Vinnie Myers in Baltimore. Since that is my stop between FL and Maine on Southwest...booked appt or 6 weeks after correction surgery and had it done yesterday! He is amazing! So professional and it was a breeze...and they look so realistic. Definitely worth the trip and stayed at the lovely Gramercy Inn halfway between Baltimore airport and his place (which is 40 minutes from airport). Could have flown in and out but wanted to relax. Check out this video on breastcancer.org to see Vinnie in action . https://youtu.be/kM1rB1VvCxU Best to you Nancy, and everyone who comes together here!
Wednesday 28th of August 2019
Missy, This summer sounds better than your last, although this one's had it's challenges, too, it sounds like. So glad you are happy with your decision to have 3D tattooing. That is great. And it's nice you were able to incorporate that as part of your travel plans. That worked out well for you. Sounds like Vinnie Myers is doing great things. I've heard others speak highly of his work too. Thank you for sharing. Best to you too.
Tuesday 27th of August 2019
First, so glad the biopsy was alright. I have never had an MRI. Hope to never need one. Seems super scary.
Other than participating in your blogger challenge, my summer has been spent with my head down, taking the online course for Real Estate in Georgia. And I am now a licensed Realtor. But I'm not done with school yet. I need to take a required 25 hour Continuing Education & pass a Final Exam at the end within my first year. I have an opportunity to do it next month. Has to be done in person. I don't wanna. Ugh.
Wednesday 28th of August 2019
Kimberly, Very relieved the biopsy was benign too; I was trying to prepare for the worst, but of course, you can't really do that. I hope you don't ever need a breast MRI. Not fun, mine was horrible. Congratulations on becoming a licensed realtor! What an amazing accomplishment! You have been very busy this summer. Good luck with the 25 hour continuing ed stuff and on the exam, of course. I'm sure you'll do fine. Hoping to hear lots more about your new career. Best of luck with it. Thanks for telling me about it.
Cancer Curmudgeon
Friday 23rd of August 2019
Ha! I always imagined the MRI like they milking me like a cow. These tools for viewing breasts (MRI and mammography) need improvement like yesterday! Glad the biopsy is OK whew! Have a splendid vacay!
Monday 26th of August 2019
CC, The MRI I had was by far the worst test I've had and I've had quite a few. That one truly felt antiquated. Thanks for stopping by and thanks for the good wishes too.
Julia Barnickle
Friday 23rd of August 2019
Have a lovely holiday, Nancy. We had a week by the sea in June, and it drizzled most days! I remember lovely sunny days on the south coast of my childhood, but it seems to have packed up and moved to Spain. Still lovely to be on hols though, having no plans (so what’s different about that?) and getting oodles of fresh air and fun. During the school holidays we generally sit in the garden, to avoid crazy traffic - and the sun has come out to play again - yippee! See you on the dark side...
Monday 26th of August 2019
Julia, I'm sure you enjoyed your week by the sea even thought it drizzled most days. A change of routine and scenery can do wonders. Thank you for sharing.
Christine Smith
Thursday 22nd of August 2019
Having had a clear mammogram and normal PAT scan, hubby and I went off to Sweden for 8 days. An amazing country and definitely one I will visit again. We have friends out there and spent four days with them, being thoroughly spoilt. Now back home and back to work today. Next year we are hoping to go to Scotland and take our dogs with us. Much love xx
Monday 26th of August 2019
Christine, Yay on the clear mammogram and normal scan! I'm glad you got away for a few days and got spoiled too. Hope getting back to reality wasn't too tough. Thank you for reading and taking time to share.