As I mentioned in my previous post, my first book, Getting Past the Fear: A Guide to Help You Mentally Prepare for Chemotherapy has now been out in print for two years. This means I’ve got some books to give away again! Free stuff is always nice, right? Okay, maybe free stuff about cancer is sort …
My first book, Getting Past the Fear: A Guide to Help You Mentally Prepare for Chemotherapy is now two years old – the print version that is. The original ebook version has now been around for almost four years. Wow, four years! If I were to write this book today, I’d probably change a few …
Writing a book is hard work. I’m finding out that marketing a book is even harder in some ways, especially for an introvert like me. I pretty much suck at it. I am not comfortable asking relatives, friends, readers, my medical team and whomever I meet on the street to buy my memoir. I am …
In this post, I want to share the goals I have for my memoir, Cancer Was Not a Gift & It Didn’t Make Me a Better Person: A memoir about cancer as I know it. I don’t have a ton of goals, but I have some. One goal I do not have is to be …
I don’t do New Year’s resolutions anymore. I haven’t for years. I’m skipping them this year too. Making resolutions every year is so, well, so 25 years ago! I’ve pretty much been making the same ones for years and years anyway, so what’s the point? Perhaps you’ve made the same ones once or twice yourself: …