A few months ago at my support group meeting I was declared the winner of the “prize no one wanted.” What was the prize you might ask? Well, it was a bathing suit of all things. And not just any bathing suit, a mastectomy bathing suit, one to be worn with or without prosthetic inserts. …
Gene patenting is in the news once again. This issue isn’t going away any time soon. In my opinion, this debate boils down to one simple question. Should one company, in this case, Myriad Genetics, be allowed to patent human genes when lives are at stake? It seems as if there is a simple answer here …
Being a parent and receiving a cancer diagnosis at any age is hard. It doesn’t matter how old you are as the parent. It doesn’t matter how old you are as the child. Well, that’s not entirely true, but… When a parent is diagnosed, what do you tell the kids? I’ve been on both sides …
Are you ready for spring? I am. Then again, I’m not. I’m “dragging my feet” a bit. It doesn’t much matter though because ready or not, spring is here! Signs of spring are everywhere. Temps are rising. Robins are back. Early spring flowers are “timidly” sprouting, allowing us glimpses of green. The ice has disappeared …
As many of you know, recently hubby and I escaped the cold February temps and headed south for a week. We really needed to get away for a lot of reasons. Last year we drove to the same destination. This year we decided to travel by air thanks to “flying stand-by perks” we received via …