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Blogging and “Pushing the Button,” One Year Later…

Blogging and “Pushing the Button,” One Year Later…

It’s been one year since I pushed that publish button and posted my first blog post.

Time flies, even when you’re fighting cancer!

It seems like this might be a good time to reflect a bit on my blogging experience thus far and share a few of the discoveries I have made along the way.

When I first decided to start my own blog, I had no idea how to go about it (thank you L & J), what exactly I would write about, who (if anyone) might read what I wrote, how long I would keep at it, how many blogs I would end up reading myself, what issues would come to matter to me the most or how addicting it would become.

I was in the middle of chemotherapy. I was losing my hair. I was no longer working. I was depending on my family to take care of things. I had recently lost my mom. I was feeling more than a little vulnerable.  

In short, I was not in a good place and I had no clue how “to do” cancer.

Think about the time(s) in your life when you had no clue about what you were doing or how things might turn out.

Was it when you started high school or started dating? Was it when you got married, became a parent or started a new job? Was it when you signed up for that math or foreign language class you had been putting off? Was it when you got lost or stuck in traffic in an unknown city?

Or was it due to something more profound; a divorce, a job loss, the death of a loved one or a serious injury?

Or was it a cancer diagnosis?

Any of these events might create a feeling of helplessness or be a time when you literally have no idea what-so-ever how you will manage.

For me, two times when I felt most a drift were when I lost my mother and when I received a cancer diagnosis.

As I’ve said before, writing is how I managed. Writing is how I coped with both.

It made perfect sense that blogging was the next step for me to take.

Blogging gave me a place to “put my cancer and loss to use.”

That’s how Nancy’s Point came into being. It was a place to try to make sense of cancer and loss and maybe help others who were trying to do the same thing.

I discovered some things during this past year that I had not anticipated.

I had no idea this blogging community (fellow bloggers and readers as well) was such a welcoming and nonjudgmental (though opinionated!) group. I had no idea I would gravitate to my computer every day to find out if anyone had left a comment. I had no idea I would look forward to reading and making comments on other blogs as well. I had no idea people would care what I had to say. I had no idea I would become friends with people I might never meet in person. I had no idea I would become a passionate advocate for research. I had no idea I would breathe a sigh of relief whenever a fellow blogger reported “NED was still hanging around.” (A year ago I didn’t even know what those letters stood for -no evidence of disease).  I had no idea I would cry real tears when I learned about a fellow blogger passing away or that yet another friend was diagnosed with mets or suffered a major setback of any kind, or that likewise I would cheer upon hearing of their accomplishments, be they large or small.

Mostly, I had no idea I would come to care so much about “strangers.” Even more surprising, I had no idea some of them would come to care about ME!

Perhaps that’s the most unexpected discovery of all about blogging, the sharing and the caring.

As corny as it might sound, it really is all about the collective sharing of stories. It’s nice knowing others are out there. It’s nice knowing others out there get it. It’s nice knowing others out there care.

One year ago, I certainly hesitated to push that publish button for the first time. There are days when I still hesitate to push it. Sometimes exposing my own opinions and vulnerabilities feels more than a little frightening, but yet if I don’t, what’s the point?

I guess I’ll keep pushing that button.

Finally, I just want to say thank you for being “out there.”

Thank you for reading Nancy’s Point!


When was a time you had no idea how you would manage? 

Why do you read blogs and how many do you read regularly?

Do you have any feedback about Nancy’s Point you’d like to pass along? (any kind is welcome)




Sharon Simpson

Thursday 15th of September 2011

I have enjoyed reading about your fears, your hopes, your good news, and all you have gone through and are still fighting for others. You are such a good writer, that I can feel your pain and frustration! That's what gets through to your readers, and most of all the triumphs! My greatest loss was the little boy we lost when stationed at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. I carried him almost 7 months, and all of a sudden one night my water broke, Dale took me to the hospital and I spent 18 agonizing hours in labor only to deliver a child that didn't make it. Today so many hospitals can SAVE a child who comes that early! But when I find myself feeling sad about it, I have to console my self with the fact that we were able to adopt two WONDERFUL children! Colin and Stacy have filled our lives with so much joy! You gave me the 'push' to write about it here. Thank you, Nancy!


Thursday 15th of September 2011

Sharon, Thank you so much for sharing about that painful experience. I can't begin to imagine what that must have been like for you. I'm really sorry. Your pain still comes through in your words all this time later. That's something you don't ever get over isn't it? I do have a good friend who delivered a still born baby girl years ago and the experience was gut wrenching. I felt so helpless as her friend. I'm so glad you got to adopt those two great kids! Thank you, Sharon, for being such a faithful reader and for your very kind words. I appreciate your support very much.


Wednesday 14th of September 2011

From one Nancy to another, big kudos to you on your blog's longevity. I look forward to your posts and your insights, and you've provided enormous support and inspiration to this cancer newbie. Keep on blogging!


Thursday 15th of September 2011

Nancy, Thank you!


Tuesday 13th of September 2011

Congatulations on your one year anniversary. Yours is the only blog I read. Sometimes there are two others I check out from time to time. You have great insight and write with eloquence, empathy, art and wisdom. I wish you continued success in your writing. You are a blessing to all who know you.


Wednesday 14th of September 2011

Betty, Yes, it's hard to believe it's been a year already in some ways and then again, it seems as if I've been at it a whole lot longer. Thanks so much for the congrats and also for your support and encouragement. It means a great deal to me. And thanks for reading my blog too!

Jan Hasak

Monday 12th of September 2011

Congratulations on achieving one year of blogging! Where did the time go? We who were once strangers are as tight as ever. We are united in our efforts to educate people about the blight of breast cancer. You are doing more than your part in this.

In answer to your questions, I am going through a time now in which I think I cannot manage. But I am getting through it moment by moment. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

I read blogs because they inspire and educate me. Some make me laugh, some make me cry, some make me want to hug my nearest neighbor. I love to read about others' experiences with breast cancer. I regularly read about 14 blogs when my life is under control.

I love Nancy's Point for its frank discussion of issues of relevance to all breast cancer patients. You tell it like it is, and I admire that spunk. Keep it up, and again, congratulations!!

It feels so good to be back again in the blogosphere. I almost feel like I'm back to my regular self. Almost! Thanks for your continued support through my ongoing struggles.



Monday 12th of September 2011

Jan, Thanks so much for the congrats and kind words. I am so sorry you have this whole other realm of "stuff" to deal with now, but I know you will get through it moment by moment as you say. I'm glad to hear you are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. So, welcome back into the blogosphere and remember we are out here for all of it, the good the bad and the ugly and I don't just mean the bc stuff either. Keep on keepin' on, Jan.

lavonne Cunningham

Sunday 11th of September 2011

Nancy, Congratulations on your 1st year anniversary of your blog site. I've been educated, informed on issues on breast cancer that I was totally unaware of before logging on to your blog site. You do a wonderful job of writing. Thank you, for Nancy's Point.


Monday 12th of September 2011

Lavonne, Thanks for the congrats and for your kind words. I appreciate your support through this whole ordeal. Thank you for being such a great backer of Nancy's Point too! It means a lot to know you are reading.